What is Morocco's tourism ranking?

What is Morocco's tourism ranking? Morocco is no stranger to top-ranking tourism destinations. In July, the country appeared on a list of top tourism destinations for 2023 from travel news outlet Travel Awaits. On the ranking, Morocco came in the eighth position, ranking ahead of countries such as Egypt, Turkey, and the UAE.

Why is Morocco the most visited country in Africa?

Many people who visit Morocco come for the UNESCO heritage sites, the weather, and the beaches. But the highlight of their trip is often its people. The Moroccan government has launched a new tourism promotion for 2023 called 'Morocco, Land of Light'.

What is Morocco known for worldwide?

Morocco is known for its cuisine, which is admired and imitated throughout the world. The country's cooks make heavy use of spices and local ingredients, such as saffron, mint and olives. Couscous is Morocco's premier food, and kabobs, soups and salads are often served.

How many Americans visit Morocco?

The following leading continents of origins were Africa and the Americas, accounting for 102,000 and 99,000 inbound tourists, respectively.

Why do tourists love Morocco?

Either for its deliciously warm weather, stunning natural landscapes, great cuisine, and tourist-friendly cities and culture, Morocco remains a mainstay in global tourism. Morocco remains a major travel destination for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, great weather, and vibrant tourist sector among other reasons.

Where do Americans go in Morocco?

8 best places to visit in Morocco
  • Anti-Atlas. Best for hiking and outdoor adventures. ...
  • Marrakesh. Best place for romance. ...
  • Aït Ben Haddou. Best place for blockbuster movie scenes. ...
  • Taghazout Bay. Best place for chilled beach vibes. ...
  • Essaouira. Best place for a one-stop city and beach vacation. ...
  • Sahara Desert. ...
  • Fez. ...
  • Tangier.

How much tourism does Morocco get?

Morocco is one of the world's top tourist destinations. In 2022 the country welcomed around 11 million visitors. Nearly 550,000 people are directly employed in the tourism sector, which represents 15% of the total working population.

Who visits Morocco the most?

As of 2021, Moroccan residents abroad constituted the leading nationality of tourists travelling to Morocco, followed by French nationals. The shares occupied by these groups of travelers reached 65 percent and 13 percent, respectively. Moreover, Spain accounted for 2.7 percent of the international tourists.

Is Morocco welcoming to tourists?

Morocco remains a vibrant and welcoming destination,” he said. “However, we encourage visitors to be mindful of their surroundings and exercise respect for the local communities' particular circumstances.

What attracts people to Morocco?

The country is relatively safe, peaceful and stable. Moroccan people, both Arabic and Berber, are also noted for their warm hospitality and friendly nature.

What is Morocco best for?

Trekking in the Atlas Mountains, traversing the Sahara on camel-back, or surfing along the Atlantic Coast: there is a plethora of things to do in Morocco and places to explore. Also, check out the video for some of our favourites.

What is safer Morocco or Egypt?

As a result, you will face minor scams in both countries – but if you are vigilant, it's nothing you need to worry about. Based on the statistics, Morocco is a bit safer than Egypt, though there is an ongoing conflict with Western Sahara.

Is Morocco friendly to the US?

Morocco is one of America's oldest friends in the Middle East and North Africa and is recognized today as a major non-NATO ally.

Which country is number 1 in tourism?

France is the most visited country in the world with 117,109,000 international tourists, thanks to its rich history and iconic landmarks. Mexico comes in second for most visited countries, with 51,128,000 tourists, offering vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty.