What is Mode C code?

What is Mode C code? A Mode C transponder gives air traffic control (ATC) your altitude and an identification code. Specifically, a Mode C transponder is required if you wish to operate in Class A, B, or C airspace, at an altitude of over 10,000' MSL, or within a 30-nautical mile radius of the primary airport in Class B airspace.

Can I fly without a transponder?

A transponder is not required unless an aircraft is operating: In Class A, Class B, or Class C airspace. Above 10,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL), excluding airspace below 2,500 feet Above Ground Level (AGL).

What does transponder code 7777 mean?

7777 is the transponder code for fighter jets carrying out an “active air defense mission”, i.e. an emergency interception.

What is the squawk code 2000?

Series 20 — Code 2000 is to recognize an aircraft that has not received instructions from the air traffic control units to operate the transponder. (Codes 2001 to 2077 are available for domestic purposes.) Series 75 — Code 7500 is reserved for recognizing an aircraft subject to unlawful interference.