What is minimum wage in Greece?

What is minimum wage in Greece? Minimum wages have been revised in Greece from 01 January 2023. The minimum wages are increased as follows: For general workers, from €31.85 to €34.84 per day and €713.00 to €780.00 per month; and.

Does Greece have free healthcare?

Public Healthcare in Greece. The Greek Healthcare System is called ESY, and it provides free healthcare to all the citizens and residents of Greece. Additionally, you are eligible for this healthcare system even if you are an expat, EU citizen, or unemployed.

Do you tip in Greece restaurants?

Restaurant workers in Greece don't expect you to tip, though the restaurant may sometimes charge a service fee. That fee can function as a tip instead, though it may go to the restaurant instead of the server. If you want to see your waiter receive the tip, you're better off leaving coins with the bill.

Can Americans move to Greece?

As a non-EU citizen moving to Greece, you will need to get a D visa, also known as a National Visa (long-stay). This type of visa is required for all non-EU citizens that want to reside in Greece for the long term.

How much is food in Greece USD?

Past travelers have spent, on average, €40 ($42) on meals for one day and €30 ($32) on local transportation. Also, the average hotel price in Greece for a couple is €148 ($157). So, a trip to Greece for two people for one week costs on average €2,173 ($2,297).

How much does it cost to live comfortably in Greece?

It is 54% less expensive to live in Greece than living in the USA. The average cost of living for one person in Greece is $1020/month while it's $2213/month in the USA. For a family to live in Greece, the average is $2483/month vs $5003/month to live in the United States. The following estimates come from LivingCost.

Is the US dollar good in Greece?

Does Greece Accept U.S. Dollars? Establishments in Greece do not accept U.S. dollars as a form of payment. You will need Greek currency for cash transactions in Greece. In places that do accept physical U.S. dollars, such as hotels, using them may result in very unfavorable exchange rates or additional fees.