What is Malta like in the winter?

What is Malta like in the winter? As winter starts to roll in, the temperatures start to take a dip. You can expect temperatures between 18-25 degrees with a bit of rain and blustery weather from time to time. Despite the odd chance of a shower or two, these months are some of the most pleasant on the Maltese islands.

Can you drink tap water in Malta?

According to all the EU and WHO guidelines the tap water in Malta is safe to drink.

What is the warmest place in Europe in December?

Where is the warmest place in Europe for a winter holiday? The hottest place in Europe in December is probably the Canary Islands. For a warm winter holiday in Europe, the Canary Islands in Spain offer a haven of sunshine and warmth.

Is Malta rainy in December?

The average sea temperature's 19ºC, while humidity's low and ranges from around 60% to 90%. Average rainfall's 108mm across 16 rainy days, which usually comes in short showers. With one of Europe's highest sunshine rates, you can still expect ten hours of daylight and five hours of sunshine in December.

Is Malta the warmest place in Europe?

The hottest place in Europe is Valletta in Malta, with an average daily temperature over the whole year of 22.3ºC. A holiday in Malta is a pretty safe bet almost any time. Athens is second with an annual average of 22ºC. At 21.4ºC, Rome is in third place.

Is Greece warm in December?

December is one of the coldest months in Greece. Average daytime temperatures range from 8°C (46°F) to 15°C (59°F), with colder temperatures in the northern parts of the country and higher elevations. Expect cloudy days and a higher chance of showers. It's recommended to have a waterproof jacket or umbrella with you.

Where is the warmest place in Greece in December?

1. Crete. Greece's largest and most southerly island, Crete has mild and sunny weather throughout winter; in fact, it has some of the warmest winter weather in Europe with average highs generally around 15-16°C and average lows around 9-11°C.

What is the sunniest place in Europe in winter?

Canary Islands: The absolute best place in Europe for winter sun, these islands are off the coast of Morocco and so far south that they have warm weather year-round. Portugal: The average temperature is warm (especially in the south) and it's one of the cheapest countries in Western Europe.

Is Malta cheap or expensive?

Malta is moderately priced as a tourist destination. Like any location, it depends on your travel style and budget. You can find budget accommodations and meals, but high-end options are available as well.

Is Greece very expensive?

The average cost of a trip to Greece for two ranges from $1000 for a budget stays to $3500 and up for a luxury stay of 7 days. For a budget trip, you could plan on spending about $150-$200 a day. You could have a very nice romantic Greek vacation for around $300 per day.