What is King Cross station famous for?

What is King Cross station famous for? King's Cross railway station, also known as London King's Cross, is a passenger railway terminus in the London Borough of Camden, on the edge of Central London.

Where is Hogwarts Castle filmed?

Alnwick Castle starred as the magical Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the 2001 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and the 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone filmed on location at Alnwick Castle in autumn 2000.

Why are Kings Cross and St Pancras so close together?

Midland spent years borrowing platforms at King's Cross and Euston, before eventually pouncing on some land to build its own terminus. And that's why there are two separate stations. And as to why they were so close, it was a simple matter of land availability in a rapidly-growing metropolis.

What was originally found next to Kings Cross station?

Planned for a 10 acre site in the area known as King's Cross the new terminus was built on the site of a smallpox and fever hospital and at the junction of four roads; New Road (Euston Road), Maiden Lane (York Way), Pentonville Hill (Pentonville Road), and Gray's Inn Road.

Why did Kings Cross go into decline?

Due to the decline in freight transported by railway during the 1980s, Kings Cross became a derelict, underfunded area. This impacted the local community significantly, the majority of which were impoverished and unemployed. It became a site that was rife with unsafe practices, such as drug abuse and prostitution.

What is the most famous train station in London?

Claiming the top position in our ranking of train stations in London is St Pancras Station, a true embodiment of grandeur and elegance. Its captivating exterior and interior design, epitomised by the iconic clock and the picturesque arches, leave visitors in awe.