What is it called when the ocean meets the sand?

What is it called when the ocean meets the sand? Shore - place where ocean meets land Coast - refers to the larger zone affected by the processes that occur at this boundary.

What is a sandy or rocky place where the ocean meets the shore?

Answer and Explanation: The sandy or rocky place where the ocean meets the shore is called a beach or coastline. Ocean waves help shape this area where the ocean meets the shore.

Why do you still feel waves after the beach?

If you've ever spent some time at sea, you may have noticed that you felt a little wobbly once you were back on land. This wobbliness is “mal de debarquement.” This condition makes people feel like they're still standing on the deck of a ship despite the fact that they're safely ashore.

What is the movement of sand parallel to the beach called?

Although the waves hit the beach at an angle, the net motion that they produce (the longshore current) flows parallel to the shoreline. This current moves sand parallel to the shoreline as well (called beach drift or longshore drift).