What is interesting about Christmas Island?

What is interesting about Christmas Island? Christmas Island is the peak of a steep basalt volcanic seamount that rose 5000 metres from the ocean floor about 60 million years ago. The highest point of the island is Murray Hill, at 361 metres above sea level.

Does Christmas Island have police?

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) provides community policing services to Christmas Island. In addition to normal police functions, the AFP carries out other duties such as immigration, processing aircraft, visiting ships and yachts, and coordinating emergency operations.

What food is Christmas Island known for?

Traditionally, chickens were kept on the island and locals produced their own pickled eggs and Chinese century eggs. Dishes that made use of the chickens themselves were popular along with dishes that included local coconut crabs. However, coconut crabs are now a protected species.

Can you have dogs on Christmas Island?

The importation of dogs and cats into Christmas Island is prohibited by the Importation of Dogs and Cats Ordinance 1973, due to concerns about environmental, social, cultural, animal health and welfare issues.

What is the predator of a red crab?

Red king crabs are eaten by a wide variety of organisms including but not limited to fishes (Pacific cod, sculpins, halibut, yellowfin sole), octopuses, king crabs (they can be cannibalistic), sea otters, and several new species of nemertean worms, which have been found to eat king crab embryos.

What is the nickname of Christmas Island?

Kiritimati (also known as Christmas Island) is a Pacific Ocean atoll in the northern Line Islands. It is part of the Republic of Kiribati. The name is derived from the English word Christmas written in Gilbertese according to its phonology, in which the combination ti is pronounced s, giving [ki'r?smæs].

Can you drink alcohol on Christmas Island?

That means you can score a great deal on popular duty-free items such as fragrances, leather goods, electronics, jewellery, watches and sunglasses. It also means Christmas Island has some of the cheapest alcohol in Australia – perfect for treating yourself to a beer or a gin and tonic as the sun goes down.

Is Christmas Island alcohol free?

Drink. As Christmas Island is duty-free, alcohol is usually lower priced than the Australian mainland. Some of the bars and taverns are: Tracks at Drumsite.

What language do they speak in Christmas Island?

Language. English is the official language on Christmas Island. However, more than half of our residents speak a language other than English at home. While on the island, you might hear people conversing in Mandarin, Malay, Cantonese, Min Nan, Tagalog and a variety of other languages.

Can you swim on Christmas Island?

Swimming at beaches is only recommended at Flying Fish Cove under calm sea conditions.

Why is it called Christmas Island?

Christmas Island began appearing on the charts of English and Dutch navigators from the early 1600s. But it wasn't until 1643 that Captain William Mynors of the British East India Company named the island after sighting it on Christmas Day.

Who owns the Christmas Island?

Changing sovereignty As part of the transfer, Australia paid Singapore £2,800,000 as compensation for lost phosphate revenue. Christmas Island became an Australian territory on 1 October 1958 – a day still celebrated on the island as Territory Day.