What is IFR in ICAO?

What is IFR in ICAO? Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) are rules which allow properly equipped aircraft to be flown under instrument meteorological conditions (IMC). IFR are detailed in ICAO Annex 2: Rules of the Air, Chapter 5: Instrument Flight Rules.

How high can you fly VFR?

VFR cruising altitude rules in the US and Canada In the US, there are specific VFR cruising altitudes, based on the aircraft's course, to assist pilots in separating their aircraft while operating under visual flight above 3,000 ft above the surface (AGL) but below 18,000 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL).

Can you fly VFR with GPS?

Many pilots use GPS as an aid to visual flight rules (VFR) navigation. The key word is aid, because VFR means seeing the terrain well enough to confirm your position on a map. Avionics used for VFR do not check for errors in satellite signals, so your GPS position could be bad.

Do pilots use IFR or VFR?

Many pilots prefer IFR over VFR because they can fly regardless of the weather conditions. They aren't constrained by the VFR minimums you saw above. Also, IFR flying, with enough practice, makes navigation much simpler.

When can you not fly VFR?

No person may operate an aircraft under basic VFR when the flight visibility is less, or at a distance from clouds that is less, than that prescribed for the corresponding altitude and class of airspace.

Can private jets fly VFR?

Once you get your private pilot certificate, you are qualified to fly under visual flight rules (VFR). Under VFR, you can navigate using visual references outside the aircraft, such as landmarks on the ground and the horizon. There are also distances from clouds you must maintain and visibility requirements as well.

Do VFR pilots have to see the ground?

As long as you maintain the minimum VFR requirements regarding visibility and cloud clearances, you are good to go—all you need is a natural horizon. (This is not the same as “VFR-on-top,” which is actually a type of IFR clearance.) You can't see the ground, but GPS makes it easy to know where you are.

Can you fly IFR without ATC?

In theory, a pilot can operate in sub-VMC conditions under IFR without an ATC clearance in Class G airspace. However, to enter or operate in controlled airspace under IFR, an ATC clearance is required.

Is IFR safer than VFR?

IFR flying provides certain protections which are not readily available to those flying under VFR. Even if you never fly into a cloud, having an IFR-equipped airplane and pilot will make for a safer and confident journey. Flying through and above the clouds provides for safer travels.

Can a pilot sleep while flying?

Many airlines provide crew rest areas on their aircraft, where pilots can sleep during long-haul flights. These areas are usually located in the tail, cargo area or above the cabin of the plane and are designed to be as quiet and comfortable as possible. Other crew members prefer to use business class seats to rest.