What is housekeeping in room division?

What is housekeeping in room division? Housekeeping is one of the most important departments in room division, as it is responsible for ensuring a clean and safe environment for guests.

What is the most important function of the housekeeping department in a hotel?

The main role of housekeeping is maintaining cleanliness in a hotel. Housekeeping conducts various tasks, such as cleaning bathrooms and hotel linens. Part of cleaning involves making a bed and controlling pests.

Who informs the housekeeping department that a room needs cleaning?

The procedure of cleaning guest rooms by the housekeeping department can be summarized in the following way: Checkout clerk (or cashier) contacts the Housekeeping Department that a room became vacant and needs cleaning.

What is the most important department in a hotel?

1. Front Office Department: This department performs various functions like reservation, reception, registration, room assignment, and settlement of bills of a resident guest and the front office department is considered as the nerve centre of a hotel.