What is GNWL booking status?
What is GNWL booking status? GNWL: General Waiting List (GNWL) waitlisted tickets are issued after the passengers cancel their confirmed bookings. This is the most common type of waiting list and has got the highest chances of confirmation.
Does WL 77 get confirmed?
RLWL 77 : means the total number of reservation done in same train for same route. RLWL77/WL77 : then this means that you have a waiting list of 77 (the latter number) and your ticket will get confirmed only if 77 passengers who have booked before you for the same journey happen to cancel their journey.
What does GNWL 5 mean?
GNWL stands for General Wait List so if your ticket is WL5 then you will not get confirmed berth. After Wait List the ticket goes in RAC which is Reservation Against Cancellation.
Which is more likely to confirm RLWL or GNWL?
Tickets with GNWL waiting list has highest chances of confirmation since most of the seats in train are reserved to be booked from source station and hence gets most cancellation. RLWL - Remote Location Waiting List: RLWL is alloted when passenger is starting his/her journey from important intermediate station.