What is cultural diversity in tourism?

What is cultural diversity in tourism? In essence, diversity in the hospitality industry requires not only recognizing but also valuing differences and understanding how these differences may impact the individual experience. Employees and customers each have a distinct background, set of experiences, and cultural history.

What are the 4 types of cultural diversity?

Broadly speaking, there are four types of diversity: internal, external, organizational, and worldview. Internal diversity: Internal diversity refers to any trait or characteristic that a person is born with. These might include sex, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, or physical ability.

What are the 5 types of cultural tourists?

Based on a sample of 600 tourists arriving in Cracow to visit monuments and museums, participate in cultural events, and experience the cultural milieu, the study identified five main clusters. These were the 'Purposeful', 'Serendipitous', 'Sightseeing', 'Incidental' and 'Casual.

How does culture affect tourism?

Culture creates authenticity and distinctiveness in the global tourism market. In this regard, “tourism experiences” that can connect people and visitors to local cultures are very important.