What is counter ticket booking?

What is counter ticket booking? Ticket counter is a place where passengers can buy a ticket for trains. Ticket counter executives book the ticket offline for train journeys.

What is the difference between counter ticket and e-ticket?

The primary difference between an online ticket and a counter ticket is the convenience factor. Online tickets can be purchased from the comfort of your own home, whereas counter tickets require you to physically visit a ticket counter or outlet.

How does ticket kiosk work?

Self-service ticketing kiosks allow visitors to purchase tickets directly from a kiosk machine, automating the sales process for your event or venue. Ticketing kiosks can also be used to allow customers to print and pick up pre-purchased tickets through a 'will-call' style setup.

How do I cancel a counter ticket online?

Online Method: You can cancel your PRS counter ticket by logging into the IRCTC official website and providing your ticket details, such as train number and PNR number. Please note that according to IRCTC cancellation rules, this is allowed only if you had provided a valid mobile number during the time of booking.

Is counter ticket necessary?

Can consumer travel in a train without counter ticket if booked from counter? No, consumer cannot travel without original counter ticket, because if the ticket has been booked through counter then it is mandatory to carry the original ticket otherwise you will be fined as without ticket.

What happens when waiting counter ticket is not confirmed?

If your ticket remains fully waitlisted after chart preparation, it will be canceled automatically and your money will be refunded into the account which was used at the time of booking.