What is considered an adult in Spain?

What is considered an adult in Spain? Under Spanish law a person under 18 is considered as a child and always has all the protection derived from its status as a minor. A young person in Spain is between 15 and 24 years, persons aged 15 to 17 are children and young people, and 18 to 24 are young but already adults.

Is 16 an adult in Italy?

The first term, legal capacity, is acquired at the moment of birth, while the second, capacity to act, is acquired once the age of majority (18 years of age) is reached, along with the ability to take all actions for which no other age limit is prescribed.

What country has the lowest drinking age?

At 13, Burkina Faso is the country with the youngest age of alcohol consumption. Burkina Faso, a West African country with a population of 20.9 million (2020), has an area that spans about 170,255 miles.