What is best map for Paris?

What is best map for Paris? The Streetwise map covers the areas of Paris where most of the tourist action is. Streetwise is highly recommended by travelers, who consider it the ultimate tourist map of Paris.

What is the best map for walking in France?

The best maps for walking are provided by The Institut Géographic National (IGN), France's national survey agency. IGN green maps (scale - 1;100,000) can be useful for planning, but you'll want to buy the very detailed the IGN 1:25,000 blue series for serious walking. IGN maps aren't commonly available in the US.

Is Google Maps reliable in France?

Google maps works pretty well in France, I'd say as well as it does in the US. You either need a data plan or to download offline maps (or both). Offline maps will only give driving directions I think, not walking or public transport. I've also used my Garmin Nuvi GPS with European maps, and that works well too.

What is the best route planner for Paris?

The number one Paris Metro app for navigating the city. Paris Metro includes the official RATP metro map and all of the help you need to get around the French capital city on public transport. Our transport app is easy to use and packed with helpful information to make using the metro simple and stress free.

What is the best Paris Metro map?

The number one Paris Metro app for navigating the city. Paris Metro includes the official RATP metro map and all of the help you need to get around the French capital city on public transport. Our transport app is easy to use and packed with helpful information to make using the metro simple and stress free.

How do you get around Paris for the first time?

Tips to Getting Around Paris Google maps on your phone or a paper map from your hotel will lead you around the city to wherever you need to go. Take time to put down the map and get lost. A metro line is always nearby to get you back to your starting point. Explore the city on foot and see what you discover.