What is banned in Aruba?

What is banned in Aruba? deterioration of coral reefs. This means that any disposable, single use plastics, such as: plastic cups, straws, utensils, containers, and stirrers are now prohibited.

Will TSA take my CBD gummies?

If TSA finds your CBD gummies during screening at an airport checkpoint, they may ask you about their contents or inspect them further. As long as your gummies comply with federal regulations (less than 0.3% THC for domestic flights), they should not be confiscated.

How much cash can you bring into Aruba?

Travelling with luggage If you enter or leave Aruba with more than AWG. 20,000,- in cash or securities, or the equivalent thereof in foreign currencies, you must notify this to the Customs Department (Departamento di Aduana). You'll need a *MOT form (*Unusual Transactions).

Are mosquitoes bad in Aruba?

While the mosquito population in Aruba is relatively low, it is still advisable to take precautions to protect yourself from mosquito bites.

What is prohibited in Aruba?

Please do not speed. Stay on main dirt roads. Driving on sand dunes, on beaches and in the ocean is prohibited. 'Wishing' rock stacking is not an Aruban tradition and harmful to the environment and animals.

Is it illegal to take sea glass from Aruba?

Everybody knows that you are not allowed to take local shells home, but the people working at the airport have no problem you taking sea glass home. A few of those pieces make great souvenirs.

What should I be careful of in Aruba?

There is violent crime in association with drugs, but this rarely affects tourists. The main tourist areas are generally safe, but you should take sensible precautions: avoid remote areas at night. don't take valuables to the beach or leave any valuables in your vehicle.

Can you drink the water in Aruba?

Can you drink tap water in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao? The answer is yes. Tap water on these former Dutch Antilles islands is distilled from sea water. It is perfectly safe to drink, meeting the highest quality standards of the World Health Organization.