What is an example of a risk in aviation?

What is an example of a risk in aviation? Flying too close to a mountain is a risk because it will require a direct reaction on the part of a pilot to regain safety, Bird near aircraft – and not bird strike – is a risk because pilots will have to take immediate action (slowing down) to regain safety.

What are sources of risk?

Risk sources are the factors or conditions that can cause or contribute to the occurrence of a risk, and they can be internal or external to the project, related to stakeholders, environment, technology, process, or product.

What are the examples of travel risk?

Examples of “Real Life” Travel Risks
  • Someone gets sick and you need to cancel your trip… losing your entire vacation investment. ...
  • A hurricane damages your resort and you need to cancel. ...
  • A family emergency cuts your vacation short and you lose the remaining travel arrangements.

What are the significant seven aviation risks?

The 'Significant Seven' covers: loss of control, runway overrun or excursion, controlled flight into terrain, runway incursion and ground collision, ground handling and airborne and post-crash fire.