What is an appropriate tip for fine dining?

What is an appropriate tip for fine dining? 15% is appropriate for average service ; 20% if your server is above average. You should feel free to tip above 20% if you received excellent service. If you received poor service, it is better to talk to the manager than skip on the tip.

Do you tip at fine dining restaurants in Spain?

Tipping servers in restaurants and cafés in Spain, while appreciated, isn't mandatory. It's tough for Americans to get used to not leaving a tip, but locals generally don't leave anything extra at all in more casual eateries. In fine-dining restaurants, a tip may already be included in the check.

How much should you tip UK?

tipping is more and more common; Americans are accustomed to leaving 20% at minimum, however the most common practice in the UK is to leave between 10 and 12%. In nicer restaurants up to 15% (provided that the service charge is not included) is a good rule of thumb.

How much do you tip on a $500 meal?

However, in the US, where waiters and waitresses are criminally undervalued for the service they provide and do not recieve a living wage, you should tip around 20%, which for a $500 meal would equate to $100. How much do you tip and when you don't tip at all?

Is a 50% tip generous?

It's not uncommon to see gratuities of between 30% and 50% from these travelers. If you leave tips like that, then you can safely consider yourself in the overtipper category. Is there such a thing as being too generous? says Samantha Lambert, the director of human resources for a media company in New York.

Do people tip in Europe?

Restaurant tips are more modest in Europe than in America. At restaurants, check the menu to see if service is included; if it isn't, a tip of 5–10 percent is normal. In most places, 10 percent is a big tip. If your bucks talk at home, muzzle them on your travels.