What is a wall around a castle called?

What is a wall around a castle called? Curtain wall castles In medieval castles, the area surrounded by a curtain wall, with or without towers, is known as the bailey. The outermost walls with their integrated bastions and wall towers together make up the enceinte or main defensive line enclosing the site.

What are the bumps on a castle wall called?

Crenellations are one of the most recognizable elements of a medieval castle. These upright projections resemble teeth, bared at invaders to prevent their attempted entries and at allies to show the owner's strength. Each upright section is called a merlon or crenel, and they protected defenders from attacks.

What were the parts of a medieval castle?

Features of a Medieval Castle Curtain Walls & Towers - the perimeter defensive wall. Fortified Gatehouse - the main castle entrance. Keep (aka Donjon or Great Tower) - the largest tower and best stronghold of the castle. Bailey or Inner Ward (courtyard) - the area within a curtain wall.

Why do castles have walls?

Low outer walls served as barriers against siege towers and battering rams. If attackers managed to break through this outer ring of defense, castle defenders could retreat behind high inner walls. Corner towers stood out from the walls, giving defenders a better perspective on enemy movements.

What is the bailey in a castle?

A bailey is the sturdy wall around a castle that keeps invaders out. The bailey of a medieval castle was usually built of stone. You might see a bailey — or the remains of one — if you tour a castle in England or France.

What were the inner and outer walls of a castle called?

The inner bailey or inner ward of a castle is the strongly fortified enclosure at the heart of a medieval castle. It is protected by the outer ward and, sometimes also a Zwinger, moats, a curtain wall and other outworks. Depending on topography it may also be called an upper bailey or upper ward.