What is a railway track signal?

What is a railway track signal? Railway signalling ( BE ), also called railroad signaling ( AE ), is a system used to control the movement of railway traffic. Trains move on fixed rails, making them uniquely susceptible to collision.

What is the railway signaling in the UK?

The railway signalling system used across the majority of the United Kingdom rail network uses lineside signals to control the movement and speed of trains. The modern-day system mostly uses two, three, and four aspect colour-light signals using track circuit – or axle counter – block signalling.

What does a white shunt signal mean?

Shunt signals This type of signal is found in all depots and sidings. It is mounted to the ground unlike regular signals. It has three lights in a triangular shape and two white lights mean proceed at caution whereas any other indication should be taken as a stop signal or a malfunction.

What are the two types of railroad signals?

Those with a square end are absolute signals and generally force trains to stop when in their most restrictive position. Those with a pointed end are permissive signals and permit a train to continue at a significantly lower speed rather than having to come to a complete stop.

What is a train signal called?

1. Semaphore Signals. The semaphore was the first railroad signal to use electricity. The original semaphores used a two-position arm/blade to alert train operators if they must stop and stay (horizontal position), or could stop and proceed with caution (vertical position).

How do train drivers know when to slow down?

Well before the train gets anywhere near the station it has lights that tell it to slow down, and stop. Depending on which lights are lit, depends on the drivers actions. Red and green are the same as normal road lights… stop or prepare to stop, and go or keep going.

What type signals do train signals use?

Signals may be of the searchlight, color light, position light, or color position light types, each displaying a variety of aspects which inform the locomotive operator of track conditions so that they may keep their train under control and able to stop short of any obstruction or dangerous condition.