What is a plane triangle mean?

What is a plane triangle mean? If there is a problem on-board and the crew is unsure about the condition of the aircraft, the triangle indicates what window should be used to inspect flaps, slats or engines or look out for icing. This saves important time in case of an emergency, as the crew doesn't has to search the right window to look out.

What do the plane Colours mean?

Dark blue means they are over deep water. Light blue means they are over shallow water. Green means they are over grass. White means they are over snow or concrete. Purple means they are purplexed.

What is the triangle on the a320?

If there is a problem on-board and the crew is unsure about the condition of the aircraft, the triangle indicates what window should be used to inspect flaps, slats or engines or look out for icing. This saves important time in case of an emergency, as the crew doesn't has to search the right window to look out.

What are the black triangles above windows in the cabin?

“The black triangle marks the location of what has been called William Shatner's Seat, the seat with the clearest view of the wing,” explained retired aerospace engineer Lee Ballentine after the question was posed on Q&A website Quora.

Why do planes not flap their wings?

Short answer: Because planes are larger than birds. Flying by flapping their wings works very well for birds and insects. Machines that fly this way, known as ornithopters, have been built, some large enough to carry a man. But larger than that and the laws of physics become a serious problem.