What is a pillow flipper?

What is a pillow flipper? The makuragaeshi (??? or ??, pillow flip) is a Japanese yokai. They would come at night to one's pillow side and flip over the pillow. They are also considered to change which direction one's head or feet are facing.

Do geisha get paid?

Hori estimates that a two-hour session commonly costs the customer around 50,000 yen (about US$450). That impressive sum pays not only the geisha's salary, but it also goes toward the expensive, resplendent kimono and hairstyle that she wears. Sessions also require full makeup.

What is the geisha seduction?

Masters of seductive traits An ancient art that has been rivaled by many, the geisha girl is one who allows men to feel as though they are royalty. They were taught within extremely strict guidelines how to make him feel as though he were the only one in the room. They learned to become masters of seductive traits.

What is a Thai pillow?

Thai triangle cushions are unique to Thailand and have evolved from a traditional cultural preference for sitting or squatting at floor level. This innovative, free standing, mobile lounger features an ergonomically 'correct' triangular back rest attached to a seat pad, simply held in place by your weight.