What is a nickname for Guinness?

What is a nickname for Guinness? The black stuff, Irish champagne, ebony nectar, black custard, a pint of plain, are all nicknames for this much loved Irish institution. There's no doubt that Guinness is one of the most famous beers in the world.

Who drinks the most Guinness?

As the British empire established colonies or had soldiers posted, Guinness would send its beer. But back to the matter at hand: where drinks the most Guinness? The United Kingdom is the undisputed king of Guinness drinking, presumably with its proximity to the original Guinness brewery in Ireland playing a key role.

What do Irish call Guinness beer?

The black stuff, Irish champagne, ebony nectar, black custard, a pint of plain, are all nicknames for this much loved Irish institution. There's no doubt that Guinness is one of the most famous beers in the world.