What is a mini bus in English?

What is a mini bus in English? minibus in American English ('m?ni?b?s) noun. a small bus, seating about 15 passengers and typically transporting people short distances.

What is the smallest bus in the world?

Tecnobus. If you want to try the world's smallest bus, head to Italy and board the Tecnobus, part of the urban public transport system. Compared to a regular bus, the Tecnobus looks like a miniature. Compared to the massive AutoTram Extra Grand, it almost looks like a toy.

Why use bus instead of car?

Benefits of public transport you don't have to worry about finding a parking space. it reduces congestion in towns and cities. using public transport is cheaper than owning and operating a car. no more sitting in traffic jams in rush hour thanks to bus lanes and other bus priority measures.