What is a Milanese meal?

What is a Milanese meal? Updated on May 4, 2023. Photo: © Leela Cyd. Preparing something Milanese (or Milanesa) style means dredging thin slices of meat in flour, eggs, and seasoned breadcrumbs and frying them. A traditional Milanese dish is a bone-in veal chop pounded until very thin, and then breaded and pan-fried.

What drink is Milan famous for?

The most famous cocktails invented in Milano
  • Negroni Sbagliato.
  • Zucca lavorato secco
  • Gin Rosa.
  • Il Milanese.

What is the number 1 food in Italy?

Pizza. Number one on our list of the best traditional foods in Italy has to be pizza. Everyone knows what pizza is, it needs no introduction, but what you probably know as pizza isn't quite the same as in Italy.