What is a gypsy bus?

What is a gypsy bus? Also known as gypsy buses, Spanish buses, or even guaguas, these mini buses are often a welcome sight to the overflow of commuters in Jersey City and beyond. They are usually white, seat about two dozen passengers, and can be signaled to stop just like an NJT bus.

What is another name for a bus girl?

In North America, a busser, sometimes known as a busboy or busgirl, is a person who works in the restaurant and catering industry clearing tables, taking dirty dishes to the dishwasher, setting tables, refilling and otherwise assisting the waiting staff.

What are the pros and cons of riding a bus?

However, there is no such thing as a free meal, and driving comes with its own set of problems. Taking the bus, on the other hand, limits your mobility to the bus and presents you with other problems such as overcrowding. But, it has its pros too, such as lower cost and reduced stress in a traffic jam.

Why is a bus better than a car?

Being active helps with physical health, and taking transit instead of driving reduces stress. Buses are also safer than individual vehicles. By leaving the car at home, a person can save up to 20 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every day. Buses keep the air cleaner.