What is a DMC in travel industry?

What is a DMC in travel industry? A destination management company (DMC) is a professional services company with local knowledge, expertise and resources, working in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics.

What is difference between tour operator and travel agent?

A tour operator is a person or organisation responsible for planning trips and holiday packages. A travel agent is an individual broker or an agency selling holiday packages. While the tour operator creates the services, the travel agent is an intermediary who sells these services.

What are the two types of tour operator and briefly explain each?

Depending on where Kevin chooses to organize his holiday packages will depend on if he makes use of inbound tourism or outbound tourism. An inbound tour operator will sell to people soon to be arriving in their countries, whereas an outbound tour operator will sell to people before they arrive at their destination.

What is a DMC example?

Destination management companies are organizations that assist with corporate travel planning. For example, these companies often assist with hotels, food, entertainment, transportation and more. These organizations are commonly known as “DMC companies” for short, and the singular is “destination management company.”

What is an example of a DMO?

Broadly speaking, “destination marketing organization” characterizes any entity that specializes in destination marketing. For example, in small cities where a considerable CVB is not present, a chamber of commerce could quality as a DMO.

What are the 5 types of tour operators?

5 types of tour operators
  • Inbound tour operator. An inbound tour operator creates and markets tours showcasing their home country for overseas tourists. ...
  • Outbound tour operator. ...
  • Domestic tour operator. ...
  • Ground operator. ...
  • Receptive tour operator.