What is a bus gate Enfield?

What is a bus gate Enfield? A bus gate is not a real gate but a sign-posted point on the road that bans motor vehicles (excepting buses and emergency services) from passing.

What is a bus gate Birmingham?

A bus gate gives buses priority at a junction with traffic signals by holding other vehicles at a red light and allowing the bus to get ahead of queued traffic.

When can you drive in a bus lane UK?

Most bus lanes operate at peak times only (typically 7.30am to 9.30am or 3.30pm to 6.00pm on Monday to Friday). Outside the hours of operation the lanes can be used by all traffic. The legislation for most bus lanes allows permitted taxis, motorcycles and bicycles to use bus lanes.

What happens if you drive in a bus lane by mistake UK?

If you've used a bus lane illegally, your local council can give you a charge notice. In most cases, the council must send you the notice within 28 days of you driving in the bus lane. The charge notice will say that you have 28 days to pay the charge.

Why do British buses have one door?

Why don't city buses in most UK cities have rear doors? Because almost all buses now in use are single manned - you have to pay your fare to the driver and s/he has to sit at the front for obvious reasons! Rear doors are simply not practical with driver-only operation.