What is A and B in threads?

What is A and B in threads? There are (3) established Classes of Thread, designated in the unified series by adding: A for Screws and B for Nuts (or other intenal threads) to show definite limits and tolerances. Class 1B Thread. Is wherea 1A screw can run in readily for quick and easy assembly. The hole is classified as 1B.

What does 2A and 2B mean for threads?

Classes 2A-2B Class 2A external threads have an allowance, Class 2B internal threads do not. Classes 2A and 2B, for most engineering applications, offer the optimum thread fit that balances fastener performance, manufacturing convenience and economy.

Can you mix 2A and 3B threads?

The requirements for screw thread fits for specific application are predicated on end use and can be met by specifying the proper combinations of thread classes for the components. For example, a Class 2A external thread may be used with a Class 1B, 2B or 3B internal thread.

What is the difference between a 2B and a 3B thread gage?

?Class 2B is the typical fit for commercial products and is used for fasteners and threaded parts. Class 3B is the tightest tolerance and used for close fit and high strength fastening applications where a close and snug fit are required.