What is 2A and 3A in train?

What is 2A and 3A in train? Refer to the class of accommodation in which you intend to trael. Such class of accommodation is abbreviated as below: 1A= First AC, 2A=2 Tier AC Sleer, 3A= 3 tier AC sleeper, CC= Chair Car, FC=First Class, SL= Sleeper Class, 2S= Second Class seat.

Can we sleep in AC 3 tier?

AC3 (or A-3) – Same facilities as AC2 class, the only difference is they are busier because they have more beds – 3 tier bunk beds (upper, middle and lower) are grouped in bays of 6 beds plus 3 bunk beds along the corridors. Unlike AC2 there are no privacy curtains.

What 3A means in train?

Such class of accommodation is abbreviated as below: 1A= First AC, 2A=2 Tier AC Sleer, 3A= 3 tier AC sleeper, CC= Chair Car, FC=First Class, SL= Sleeper Class, 2S= Second Class seat. 4. Indicates originating and destination station as well as the station upto which you have sought a reservation.

What is included in AC 3 tier?

AC three tier: Air-conditioned coaches with 64 sleeping berths. Berths are similar to 2A, but with three tiers across the width and two lengthwise for eight bays of eight. They are slightly less well-appointed, usually with no reading lights or curtains.

Does AC 3 Tier have curtains?

Railways had installed curtains in air-conditioned coaches in 2009 to give more privacy to passengers, but stopped using it in the AC-3 tier coaches after a fire accident on the Bangalore-Nanded Express in 2014.

What is difference between 3A and 2A?

Class 2A fit has allowance and tolerance. Class 3A fit, however, has only tolerance, creating a tighter fit.

Which train seat is best for long journey?

Side Lower Berth is The Best Seat To Book On Train For Long Journeys. The most significant benefit of choosing a side lower berth is that if you choose to sit by a window and look out at the environment, landscape, or either rural or urban sceneries.

Is food free on First Class trains?

Exclusive to First-Class Passengers Once onboard, you'll enjoy complimentary at-seat meal and beverage service provided by our onboard staff of First Class attendants. Selections include freshly prepared chef inspired entrees as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.