What insurance do I need to travel to France?

What insurance do I need to travel to France? If you are traveling from the U.S., you are not required to have travel insurance to visit France for a vacation. However, travel insurance can help cover unexpected medical costs and avoid financial loss due to trip cancellations.

Is it wise to get travel insurance?

If you would lose the money you paid for your flights, accommodations, rental car, or activities if you had to cancel or go home early, travel insurance that specifically includes trip cancellation and trip interruption is probably a good idea.

Do you have to pay for hospital treatment in France?

French healthcare costs Medical treatment and tests are partially paid for by the government, but the patient is responsible for the remaining amount. French state health insurance covers 70–100% of necessary treatments like doctor visits and hospital stays.

What medications can I not bring to France?

What medication should I be careful bringing?
  • ADHD/ADD medications (*Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin) *considered illegal narcotics in many European countries.
  • Pain medications (Vicodin, Oxycontin, Demerol)
  • Anxiety medications (Xanax, Ativan, Valium)