What information are required while taking reservation?

What information are required while taking reservation? For some hotels, a name, phone number, dates and payment details will suffice. For others, particularly those that focus on guest engagement, more information will help with marketing and loyalty efforts. Information can either be required or optional, and may include: Guest name.

What information do hotels ask for?

Have your identification, reservation confirmation, and form of payment (preferably a credit card with lots of room on it) at hand. This can include your driver license, passport, and one or more credit cards.

What are the 5 main data that should be obtained when a guest making room reservation?

What Types of Data Is Useful?
  • Contact Information. The most important data is the guest's contact information. ...
  • Demographics Information. Another great data source is the demographic information of the guest, such as their age, nationality, and gender. ...
  • Guest's Preferences. ...
  • Interests. ...
  • Feedback and Communications.

What information is needed to be provided for hotel room reservation?

Book A Room Form A simple form allows collecting customer name, email address, phone number, arrival date, number of nights to stay and the number of guests to book a room which is useful especially for hostels and small hotels.

How do we properly confirm a reservation?

Your booking confirmation should include:
  1. Guest name(s)
  2. Booking date and time(s)
  3. Booking details.
  4. Location (especially if you have multiple)
  5. Timing, if early arrival is advised or required.
  6. Booking invoice.

What are the four 4 sources of reservations?

The most common sources of reservation are : Travel agent, Companies/corporate houses, Airlines, Embassies/consulates, Government Office and Ministries and Personal approach.

What is the basic information of hotel?

hotel, building that provides lodging, meals, and other services to the traveling public on a commercial basis. A motel performs the same functions as a hotel but in a format designed for travelers using automobiles. Inns have existed since very ancient times to serve merchants and other travelers.

What are the 7 components of the hotel concept?

A Hotel Concept is designed around 7 components that cover all aspects of running it successfully: The Story, The People, The Space, The Identity, The Services, The Content, and The Channels. Starting from the central story, components are interconnected and work side by side to build a unique, coherent whole.