What income for Amex Gold?

What income for Amex Gold? It's fairly easy to get the American Express® Gold Card, although it's best to apply with clean credit, an income of at least $60,000, and a positive relationship with American Express. Prequalifying through CardMatch™ is also a quick and risk-free way to see if you're ready to apply.

What is the 5 24 rule?

AFP via Getty Images. The Chase 5/24 rule is an unofficial policy that applies to Chase credit card applications. Simply put, if you've opened five or more new credit card accounts with any bank in the past 24 months, you will not likely be approved for a new Chase card.

Does cancelling Amex Gold hurt credit score?

Closing a credit card won't immediately affect your length of credit history (worth 15% of your FICO Score) by lowering your average credit age. Even after you close a positive account, it may remain on your credit for up to 10 years. But after that, it could decrease your score.

Is 3 credit cards too many?

If your goal is to get or maintain a good credit score, two to three credit card accounts, in addition to other types of credit, are generally recommended. This combination may help you improve your credit mix. Lenders and creditors like to see a wide variety of credit types on your credit report.