What if I flush toilet paper in Greece?

What if I flush toilet paper in Greece? Of course, nationally things have been updated since then, but generally, pipes remain too narrow to handle any non-human waste. The biggest thing is to note is simply this: don't flush toilet paper down the loo. You will find there are bins to the side of the toilet where you can dispose of your tissue instead.

Can Brits drink tap water in Greece?

Yes, British people can drink tap water in Greece in areas where the water is deemed potable, such as in Athens. However, British people, like any other tourists, should avoid drinking tap water on the Greek Islands due to health and taste reasons. Bottled water is the recommended option.

Is it better to flush or throw away toilet paper?

Additionally, toilet paper can take years to break down and decompose. So, flushing is the more environmentally friendly option. You could try an alternative solution, which may be using recycled toilet paper if you can find a brand that is BPA-free, chlorine-free, 100% recycled, and unbleached.

Can you flush toilet paper in Spain?

Spain – is a bit of a mix. In most cities and beach resorts you can flush the paper. Although you might be asked specifically to use a bin, in which case, do. If you're out in the countryside and stuck in a refugio bury it or burn it.

Can you flush toilet paper in Greece?

The biggest thing is to note is simply this: don't flush toilet paper down the loo. You will find there are bins to the side of the toilet where you can dispose of your tissue instead. The bins tend to have lids and foot pedals and are emptied at least once daily, so it's not as gruesome as it sounds.

What is the toilet etiquette in Greece?

The biggest thing is to note is simply this: don't flush toilet paper down the loo. You will find there are bins to the side of the toilet where you can dispose of your tissue instead. The bins tend to have lids and foot pedals and are emptied at least once daily, so it's not as gruesome as it sounds.

Should I bring cash to Greece?

Plastic money is widely accepted in Greece, and the exchange rates are rather favorable. Still, it would be best if you carried some cash, as many street vendors, artists, and small cafes only accept cash, while also cash is the preferred method of tipping in Greece.

What happens if you flush toilet paper?

In water, those fibres quickly come untangled and form a thin sludge that's easily carried by the water flow in the sewage system.By the time it reaches the sewage treatment plant, most of the toilet paper has completely disintegrated, and goes straight to the sludge digester tanks to be broken down into compost, along ...

Can you flush toilet paper down the toilet in Athens Greece?

There's a very important rule for using the bathroom in Greece: don't flush your toilet paper.

Is it illegal to flush toilet paper in Greece?

One of the commonest questions first-time visitors to Greece ask is “is it true that you can't flush paper down the toilet?” Unfortunately, in the vast majority of accommodations, cafes, bars, shops and restaurants, the answer is “yes, it is true!”

Can you flush toilet paper in Greece hotels?

While there may be exceptions in some newly built resorts and modern hotels, the overwhelmingly common rule is to avoid flushing paper products down the toilets in Greece. And don't worry about forgetting. You'll come across plenty of fun signage to remind you.