What hotel was Harry Potter filmed in?

What hotel was Harry Potter filmed in? For an even deeper dive into filming locations, the dramatic Gothic exterior of the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel London also features prominently in the Harry Potter world.

Where was most of Harry Potter filmed?

While the movies were filmed almost entirely in Britain, one of Ireland's most famous natural sights play a role in The Half-Blood Prince: The Cliffs of Moher, seen from the water, serve as the foreboding exterior of the cave where Harry and Dumbledore search for a horcrux.

Where is Hogwarts Castle located in real life?

Alnwick Castle In the first two Harry Potter films, Alnwick Castle in Northumberland stood in for exterior shots of Hogwarts Castle. You might recognize the outer bailey as the place where Harry first learned to fly, and the inner bailey as the spot where he and Ron crash landed the Weasley's flying car.

Can you visit where Hogwarts was filmed?

For the 10 years that the Harry Potter film series was in production, it was lensed at a studio in Watford, a small town northwest of London. At this Warner Bros. Studio, visitors can see iconic sets like the Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts' Great Hall, and Diagon Alley.

Can you stay at Hogwarts?

Sort of. Since Hogwarts is, well, fictional, you can't really check-in. But, the Georgian House in London has transformed some guest rooms into Wizard's Chambers. The rooms are part of the hotel's Harry Potter Tour Package.

Is there a Hogwarts Castle in London?

Possibly the most exciting part of the experience was being able to see the Hogwarts castle model (Alnwick Castle was also used). It fills a large room with viewing platforms all the way around it. What is this? The studio is located just outside London and has plenty of car parking.