What happens when a lake flips?

What happens when a lake flips? Meaning, water from the bottom of the lake rises to the top, and water from the top of the lake sinks to the bottom. The process allows for oxygen to be replenished and nutrients to be distributed throughout the lake.

How do you tell if a lake is turning over?

Oxygen from the surface mixes with the bottom, while nutrients trapped near the bottom are free to mix throughout the lake. This is why, sometimes, in the spring and fall the lake can smell unpleasant. Decomposing organic materials are churned up from the bottom of the lake, bringing a signature sign of lake turnover.

Can lakes turn into oceans?

Because most of the world's water is found in areas of highly effective rainfall, most lakes are open lakes whose water eventually reaches the sea. For instance, the Great Lakes' water flows into the St. Lawrence River and eventually the Atlantic Ocean.

Can lakes turn into rivers?

Most lakes have at least one natural outflow in the form of a river or stream, which maintain a lake's average level by allowing the drainage of excess water. Some lakes do not have a natural outflow and lose water solely by evaporation or underground seepage, or both.

How does a lake clean itself?

Turnover is like being at the mall … or at a fair. Turnover is a natural way the lake cleans up harmful bacteria and algae. It carries dead algae down into the depths of the lake where there is less sunlight, helping to prevent algae growth.