What happens if you fly your drone over 400 feet?

What happens if you fly your drone over 400 feet? Ultimately, the 400-foot altitude limit was put in place for the sake of airspace safety. The airspace beyond 400 feet is large and the chances of running into another aircraft are astronomically low, but the potential consequence of a drone crashing into a manned aircraft can be disastrous.

Can drones legally spy on you?

Criminal Code Section 934.50: Drones may not be used for surveillance in violation of another party's reasonable expectation of privacy; this includes law enforcement. However, police may use drones with a valid search warrant.

Do drones show up on radar?

Can a radar detect all types of drones? Yes, radar can detect all types of drones regardless of whether it uses RF communication, GPS preprogramming or Wifi/Cellular communication. The only limit to radar detection is the size of the drone.