What happens if you fly without medical?

What happens if you fly without medical? Operating an aircraft without a current medical certificate when an airman is otherwise medically qualified (e.g., an expired medical certificate or a medical certificate not appropriate to the airman certificate privileges exercised) violates 14 CFR 61.3(c), in which case the FAA's sanction guidance recommends a 30- ...

Is a medical clearance the same as a physical?

Your medical clearance exam is going to be similar to a regular physical exam, but will also be tailored to the needs of the specific Medical Clearance purpose.

Why do you have to show up 2 hours before a flight?

Usually you're advised to be there at least 2 hours earlier to have enough to time for the check-in, luggage on-boarding, security check and other steps needed for you to be ready to attend the flight. Of course, you're totally free to reach the airport last minute, but you'll miss your journey.

Does the FAA know your medical history?

But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. If you ever need to submit medical records to the FAA, they will review everything you give them.

How do airline pilots know how do you log hours?

A pilot's logbook has historically served this purpose, and while many pilots now opt for a more modern electronic route by logging in their hours online, others still prefer the steady feel of pen and paper when jotting down flight details and time.

How do you prove flight hours?

A meticulously maintained logbook is required for future certification, ratings, and proof of currency. Logged proof of flight time is required by the FAA, and can also be asked by employers or insurance companies at their discretion, so a pilot needs to be extremely diligent about logging all flight time correctly.

Can I apply for FAA medical after denial?

Yes. Section 67.409 under 14 CFR sets forth the appeal process within the FAA for applicants who are denied medical certification.

What disqualifies you from flying?

Unfortunately, some medical or health issues may cause you to fail the extensive medical examinations required to become a pilot. This includes certain heart diseases, conditions such as epilepsy, poor hearing, bad vision, and even common allergies, as certain allergy medications can make you drowsy.

What happens if you fail FAA medical?

If pilot's clearly do not meet FAA medical standards, particularly if they have conditions that are specifically grounding in Part 67 of the FARs or the Guide to Aviation Medical Examiners, the aviation medical examiner may issue a denial letter to the pilot revoking the pilot's current medical privileges.

How hard is it to get a FAA medical?

You must contact an AME of your choosing, schedule an appointment, complete an official FAA application form via MedXPress, and undergo a physical examination by an AME. If you meet the appropriate medical standards, the AME will issue you a medical certificate.

Can I fly without a medical certificate?

Medical certificates keep pilots up to date on their health status, ensuring any health concerns are noted before they're in the air. While not all pilots will be required to hold a medical certificate, they are all required to receive an authorized exam to ensure they can fly safely.