What happens if you don't pass the FAA medical exam?
What happens if you don't pass the FAA medical exam? If you clearly don't meet FAA medical standards, the AME may give you a denial letter revoking your current certificate. The AME must then forward that information to the FAA Aeromedical Certification Division (AMCD). Denials are rare and not necessarily permanent.
Can I reapply for FAA medical after denial?
Yes. Section 67.409 under 14 CFR sets forth the appeal process within the FAA for applicants who are denied medical certification.
Does the FAA know your medical history?
But, sooner or later, most pilots will develop a medical condition that they cannot hide. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. If you ever need to submit medical records to the FAA, they will review everything you give them.
What shows up on a FAA background check?
- Aircraft piracy.
- Aircraft piracy outside the special aircraft jurisdiction of the United States.
- Armed robbery.
- Assault with intent to murder.
- Carrying a weapon or explosive aboard an aircraft.
- Commission of certain crimes aboard aircraft in flight.
- Conveying false information and threats.
What disqualifies you from being an air traffic controller?
The applicant must have no established medical history or clinical diagnosis of any of the following: (1) A psychosis; (2) A neurosis; (3) Any personality disorder or mental disorder that the Federal Air Surgeon determines clearly indicates a potential hazard to safety in the Air Traffic Control System.
Is anxiety a disqualifier for FAA medical?
Myth: I will lose my FAA medical if I seek help for any mental health situation. Truth: The FAA will be concerned if you are clinically diagnosed with a psychiatric condition (depressive disorders, psychosis, personality disorders, anxiety disorder or bipolar disorder) or a substance abuse disorder.
How long does an FAA medical exam take?
Your FAA medical exam will generally take about 30 minutes and the medical examiner will do a physical examination checking areas such as your eyesight, hearing, lung function and others.
Can you retake FAA medical exam?
As far as when you want to renew, you can retake the course and/or the physical exam as often as you want. Some pilots have an annual physical and ask their physicians to sign the form each year. That's more a “belt and suspenders” approach, but it's fine to do that.
Can I be a pilot with ADHD?
Due to the risks to flight safety posed by ADHD, regulatory authorities worldwide consider ADHD a disqualifying condition for pilots. Unfortunately, pilots sometimes fail to disclose ADHD to their Aviation Medical Examiner (AME).