What happens if you cancel a trip on free now?
What happens if you cancel a trip on free now? Cancel your prebooking free of charge before the driver starts his trip to your pick-up point. Once the driver is en route, a cancellation fee will apply under our Terms and Conditions.
What is the 24 hours cancellation rule?
What is the 24-Hour Flight Cancellation Rule? Airlines are required by the DOT to refund you your money if you cancel a flight within 24 hours of booking unless they offer a free, 24-hold option on a fare while you're searching for flights.
What is the cancellation fee?
(kæns?le???n fi) Word forms: (regular plural) cancellation fees. noun. (Hospitality (hotel): Reservations and checking in and out) A cancellation fee is a sum of money you must pay if you cancel a hotel reservation after the cancellation deadline.