What happens if lightning strikes a lake?

What happens if lightning strikes a lake? When lightning strikes, most of electrical discharge occurs near the water's surface. Most fish swim below the surface and are unaffected. Although scientists don't know exactly just how deep the lightning discharge reaches in water, it's very dangerous to be swimming or boating during a thunderstorm.

Do birds get struck by lightning?

Yes, birds do get struck by lightning, although it's not very common. When birds are flying during a storm, they are exposed to lightning strikes and thus can get hit directly. Birds will typically avoid flying in a thunderstorm. They prefer to find hiding spots, such as in bushes, trees and tall grasses.

Who is most likely to get struck by lightning?

Males are four times more likely than females to be struck by lightning. The average age of a person struck by lightning is 37 years.

Where does lightning strike the most?

Lake Maracaibo is the region with the most lightning in the world, with 233 lightning strikes per km2 per year.

How many times a year does the Eiffel Tower get struck by lightning?

According to Meteo France, the average house is struck by lightning once in every 800 years, whereas the Eiffel Tower is struck by lightning 10 times per year. As the tower is such a pronounced object it effectively acts as a giant lightning rod and is often struck by lightning.