What happens after taxi driver?

What happens after taxi driver? As police respond to the scene, a delirious Travis imitates shooting himself in the head using his finger. Travis goes into a coma due to his injuries. He is heralded by the press as a heroic vigilante and is not prosecuted for the murders, also receiving a letter from Iris's parents, thanking him.

Was the end of Taxi Driver a hallucination?

What does the ending of Taxi Driver mean? One theory argues that the ending reflects Bickle's subjective fantasies rather than objective fact, and even claims he is slowly dying. However, this has been counteracted several times by none other than Shader, De Niro, and even Scorsese himself.

Did everything happen in Taxi Driver?

The ending of Taxi Driver is left open to interpretation, with Travis's survival and reunion with Betsy likely being figments of his imagination, and his ultimate fate being ambiguous.

What was in the mirror at the end of Taxi Driver?

When Travis pulls away, he feels content. He is driving in the city, a place that maybe has become less frightening to him. As he continues driving, he glances in the rearview mirror and sees a portion of himself. His forehead, eyebrows, and eyes come into view and the scoring goes ominous.

Who was the guy obsessed with Taxi Driver?

Hinckley became obsessed with the 1976 film Taxi Driver, in which disturbed protagonist Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro) plots to assassinate a presidential candidate. Bickle was partly based on the diaries of Arthur Bremer, who attempted to assassinate George Wallace.

Why is taxi driver so praised?

Scorsese injects a real understanding of the place and a real sense of foreboding into even the earliest scenes. He inserts clever and meaningful shots into scenes that other directors might just have filmed straight and his choice of scene and shot compliments the script is depicting Travis descending into madness.

Why did Travis save Iris?

He wants to save Iris from the life she's living, and send her back to her parents, or at least somewhere safe. Yup: The character of Iris shows the audience that Travis can act like a decent human being—even though he's nuttier than a fruitcake, his desire to protect Iris seems to come from a noble, nurturing place.

Did Taxi Driver have PTSD?

Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro), age 26, is Taxi Driver's lonely, alienated “hero.” Yes, he's a Vietnam War vet, ex-marine, and likely has his share of PTSD.

What was the point of taxi driver?

Taxi Driver highlights the way loneliness infects the body like a virus, and self-persuasion ultimately acts as one's life support. Scorcese excels at portraying Bickle as objectively odd and crazy, while simultaneously giving justice to his point of view.

Who turned down the role in Taxi Driver?

In another example of constant comparison, Pacino was offered the role of Travis Bickle before De Niro in Scorsese's classic film Taxi Driver. Along with Pacino, Dustin Hoffman also rejected the role, publicly turning down the offer before De Niro was roped in to play what now seems to be an iconic character.