What happened to the Mayans when they died?

What happened to the Mayans when they died? The Maya dead were laid to rest with maize placed in their mouth. Maize, highly important in Maya culture, is a symbol of rebirth and also was food for the dead for the journey to the otherworld. Similarly, a jade or stone bead placed in the mouth served as currency for this journey.

What race were the Mayans?

Maya, Mesoamerican Indians occupying a nearly continuous territory in southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize.

Who defeated Mayans?

The conquest of Mesoamerica by Spanish explorers and colonists began in the 1500s and was led primarily by Cortes in Mexico and Alvarado in Guatemala. The brutality of these Europeans in battling the Maya and Aztec peoples is legendary.

What religion did the Mayans follow?

The Maya had a polytheistic religion, which means they worshipped many gods, including Itzam Na (Creator God), Kinich Ahau (Sun God), Ah Puch (one of several death gods), and Buluc Chabtan (War God). They practiced animism, which is the belief that all things, including inanimate objects, had a soul.

Are there any Mayans left?

Descendants of the ancient Maya abound throughout southern Mesoamerica. The population is estimated at eight million, likely as many as there were at the time of conquest.