What four letter security acronym is sometimes printed on boarding passes?

What four letter security acronym is sometimes printed on boarding passes? “SSSS” stands for secondary security screening selection. I'm not sure if the TSA came up with the abbreviation first and then came up with words to justify it, or if it was the other way around. Simply put, an “SSSS” on your boarding pass means that you're getting an extra thorough search when you go through security.

Is the SSSS random?

TSA doesn't publish specific guidelines on why certain passengers get SSSS markings on their boarding passes. Anecdotally, passengers with unusual travel patterns, one-way international flights and travelers to certain countries get it the most. It is also possible that TSA assigns SSSS markings randomly.

What does FB mean on boarding pass?

The gate agent that was boarding the other flight had said that anyone with a FB which stood for family boarding could board, so we lined up. The agent at our gate was very rude, and told us that we could not board because we were not FB.

What names are on boarding passes?

Relatively frequently, first names and middle names are combined on boarding passes, but this shouldn't be a cause for concern. In many instances, due to the limitations of airline systems, these names are concatenated without spaces.

What does M mean on boarding pass?

If the letter B, H, M or Y is on the boarding pass, then the traveller is in the most basic class. This stands for economy seats, revealing the passenger is sitting in some of the cheapest seats onboard.

What is the letter Y on a boarding pass?

An “A” or “F” mean first-class treatment, while a “B” often means you're more likely to get upgraded than if you have a “Q” or a “Y” on your ticket—the latter two are typically the cheapest economy fares.

Why was i flagged for SSSS?

If you see the SSSS code on your boarding pass it means you have been selected for extra security screenings, which may take additional time. Most likely, you will go through a metal detector, receive a pat-down and have your hands and luggage swabbed to test for explosives.

Why do I get searched every time I fly?

If you are flying in the US, it is possible you have been singled out by Secondary Security Screening Selection . Check your boarding pass. If it has the letters “SSSS” on it, it means you have been selected in advance for additional screening. There are many reasons this can occur that you can do nothing about.

What are the flight codes for letters?

The ICAO phonetic alphabet has assigned the 26 code words to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu.

What are the four letters on your boarding pass?

The letters stand for Secondary Security Screening Selection and if they appear on your boarding pass, it means your name is on a highly classified roster - the Selectee List. Once they come to pass through security, they'll likely be subject to “enhanced” pat-downs while their luggage might be inspected by hand.

What does code SSSS mean on a boarding pass?

A Secondary Security Screening Selection or SSSS designation on your boarding pass means that you've been picked for a secondary security screening. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) may select passengers for SSSS on flights from, to and within the U.S.

How many types of boarding pass are there?

Different Kinds of Boarding Pass
Passengers are free to choose either paper or mobile boarding pass. Each type has some advantages and drawbacks.

What is the four letter code you never want to see on your boarding pass?

Any airline passenger with the letters “SSSS” printed on their boarding pass have been selected for extra security screening by airport security. Used by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the letters SSSS stand for Secondary Security Screening Selection or Secondary Security Screening Selectee.