What endorsements are required to be in your logbook prior to solo flight?

What endorsements are required to be in your logbook prior to solo flight?

You will need the following endorsements:
  • TSA Citizenship Verification: Title 49 CFR Part 1552.3(h)
  • Pre-Solo Aeronautical Knowledge: Title 14 CFR Part 61.87(b, c, & d)
  • Pre-Solo 90 day (local flight and limitations): Title 14 CFR Part 61.87(n)

What happens after first solo flight?

Not long after your first solo, your instructor will authorize you to fly on your own — still alone, of course. But you'll have to take more responsibility for weather decisions, evaluating the wind, and other decision that until this point were made by, or in conjunction with, your flight instructor.

What flights must be logged in a logbook?

For the same reason, recreational pilots must carry their logbooks on all solo cross-country flights that exceed 50 nautical miles, in airspace that requires ATC communication, take place at night, and when they are flying an aircraft for which they don't hold the appropriate category or class rating.

Do I need a medical to solo?

You need a medical certificate before flying solo in an airplane, helicopter, gyroplane, or airship. We suggest you get your medical certificate before beginning flight training.

What are the 5 required entries in pilot logbook or flight record?

Date. Total flight time or lesson time. Location where the aircraft departed and arrived, or for lessons in a flight simulator or flight training device, the location where the lesson occurred. Type and identification of aircraft, flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation training device, as appropriate.