What drug do Air Force pilots take?

What drug do Air Force pilots take? Amphetamine use enhanced cockpit performance and flight safety by reducing the effect of fatigue during critical stages of flight.

Is ADHD a disqualifier for pilots?

If someone really does have ADHD as reflected in the evaluation, the FAA will not be able to grant any class of medical certification.

What do fighter pilots have on their legs?

G-suit. This tight-fitting garment applies pressure to the pilot's legs and abdomen using air pressure (like getting your blood pressure). It is attached to the actual jet, measures the amount of Gs the pilot feels, and then automatically applies the appropriate pressure to prevent them from passing out.

Can I get Benzos for flying?

Benzodiazepines are only advised for the short term use for a crisis in generalised anxiety disorder in which case they are not fit to fly. Fear of flying in isolation is not a generalised anxiety disorder.