What does zone 3 mean?

What does zone 3 mean? USDA Hardiness Zone 3 is characterized by its cold climate, with average minimum winter temperatures ranging from -40°F to -30°F (-40°C to -34.4°C).

What is Zone 1 vs Zone 2 vs Zone 3?

Zone 1 is aerobic and uses a higher type 1 muscle fiber and fat ratio for energy. Z2 is aerobic, uses type 1 muscle fibers, and fat for energy. Z3 is both aerobic & anaerobic, uses both type 1 & type 2 muscle fibers, and fat & glucose for energy. This is the zone where lactic acid starts to build up as well.

Can you talk in Zone 3?

Zone 3: 70 – 79 percent of Max HR: Moderate activity, such as speed walking, running, aerobics or riding a bike on flat ground. Talking while exercising becomes more difficult, and you can only speak in short sentences. This level puts you in the aerobic zone and starts to improve your heart and lung endurance.

Why is Zone 2 better than Zone 3?

The theory is that you use Z2 to get in the training without overtaxing yourself and therefore give your body the proper recovery it needs to make your hard days hard. Z3 used to be referred to as “junk miles” because they were not hard enough to stimulate growth/adaptation, but not easy enough to facilitate recovery.