What does topline mean in business?

What does topline mean in business? The term top line comes from the fact that a company reports its revenue numbers at the top of its income statement. The top line is a pure gross sales number showing how much revenue the company brought in for a given period.

Is topline a revenue?

The top line refers to a company's revenues or gross sales. Therefore, when a company has top-line growth, the company is experiencing an increase in gross sales or revenues. The bottom line is a company's net income, or the bottom figure on a company's income statement.

What is topline KPI?

Focus on the following key performance indicators when you are analyzing data in the Top Line Metrics report. Buyer/Visitor Conversion. (Unique Buyers / Unique Visitors) The percentage of visitors that made a purchase within the selected time period. Page Views / Session.

What is a good topline?

An ideal topline can be described as well-muscled, displaying a full and rounded athletic appearance, lacking concave or sunken-in areas, providing ability for sustained self-carriage. This region of the horse is a good visual indicator of the whole body amino acid status.