What does the triangle pineapple tattoo mean?
What does the triangle pineapple tattoo mean? A quick Google search would inform eager ink seekers that the turned-over fruit is commonly used as a symbol for swingers looking for a good time. Unlucky Brittany Lewin learned about that signal after she chose a line drawing of a pineapple inside a triangle.
What does it mean when someone is swinging?
Slang. the act or practice of being free and uninhibited sexually. the exchanging of spouses for sex.
What does the pineapple and unicorn mean?
A pineapple unicorn is a term used by couples looking for single women to sleep with. This term is popular among the swinging community. So, if you're ever in a cruise Facebook group and you see someone making a post that says they are “looking for a unicorn,” you know now know what it means.