What does the end of Taxi Driver mean?

What does the end of Taxi Driver mean? The ending of Taxi Driver is left open to interpretation, with Travis's survival and reunion with Betsy likely being figments of his imagination, and his ultimate fate being ambiguous.

What was in the mirror at the end of Taxi Driver?

When Travis pulls away, he feels content. He is driving in the city, a place that maybe has become less frightening to him. As he continues driving, he glances in the rearview mirror and sees a portion of himself. His forehead, eyebrows, and eyes come into view and the scoring goes ominous.

Is Taxi Driver Based on a true story?

Based on a real-life story, the film centers on a taxi driver from Seoul who unintentionally becomes involved in the events of the Gwangju Uprising in 1980.

Why did Travis save Iris?

He wants to save Iris from the life she's living, and send her back to her parents, or at least somewhere safe. Yup: The character of Iris shows the audience that Travis can act like a decent human being—even though he's nuttier than a fruitcake, his desire to protect Iris seems to come from a noble, nurturing place.

What mental illness does Travis have in Taxi Driver?

Those with schizotypal personality disorder tend to feel uncomfortable and have a difficult time in social circumstances, although they may still be friendly towards others. In the film Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro's character Travis Bickle seems to be suffering from this disorder.