What does Ros stand for at Disney World?

What does Ros stand for at Disney World? 4. ROS: Short for “release of service.” This is a ~fancier~ name for an ER, and usually granted when you're sick or something, and you HAVE to go home and can't wait around for an ER to come strolling your way. “Hello, I'm having awful cramps, so I'm going to need to ROS.”

What is code 25 at Disney?

Another numeric signal that Disney Cast Members tend to use between one another is Signal 25. It's not a signal you ever want to be present for because it has the potential to be especially dangerous. In short, it is the signal used to alert other Cast Members about smoke or even fire.

How many reprimands can you get at Disney?

Termination should occur on the fourth reprimand. Policy and Procedures (behavior) discipline states two reprimands can be issued, and termination occurs on the third. Clocking, attendance, and disciplinary reprimands are never combined.

What are Disney cast members not allowed to say?

What three words can't Disney employees say? The three words that Disney employees are trained not to say are “I don't know.” “If a guest asks you a question, you always have to have an answer, no exceptions,” an anonymous former Cast Member shared online. “If you don't know it, find out, but don't say you don't know.

What does 103 mean at Disney?

102: Ride operating. 103: Bathroom break (as in, Hey I need a 103.) 104: Guest in a wheelchair (or scooter)

How much PTO does Disney give?

The Walt Disney Company's PTO and Vacation policy typically gives 20-30 days off a year with 59% of employees expected to be work free while out of office.

What is a code 70 at Disney?

5. “Signal 70” — This is one code that hopefully is used very little because it signals a lost child.

How many breaks do Disney employees get?

Depends where you work. But, yes its pretty similiar. Attractions hosts tend to get two 15min breaks and a 45min lunch. Front desk hosts tend to get a 30min break and a 30min lunch.

What does the D mean in Disney?

Apparently, the letter 'D's in the various Disney logos are based on Disney's own signatures, which also changed over the years. Though Disney never had a signature that included this exact letter 'D', it is an evolution of the different signatures he used over the decades.

How many free tickets do Disney employees get a year?

Eligible Employees receive a minimum of three (3) Main Entrance Guest Admissions. If the Employee has more than three (3) eligible dependents, the Employee may be permitted to admit more than three (3) Guests at a time.

What does Kronk mean on Disney bus?

It's a character name, Kronk is from The Emperor's New Groove. You see buses with character names sometimes when they're not ferrying guests around, I think it's Disney's version of out of service or off duty right now.

What happens if you no call no show at Disney World?

On your fourth reprimand, you are fired. No-call/no-show, in which you do not follow call-in procedures, is considered more serious. On your third consecutive no-call/no-show day, you are terminated.

What does 33 mean at Disney World?

According to Disney, Club 33 is simply named after its address at 33 Royal Street in New Orleans Square at Disneyland.

What does code H mean in Disney?

Yep, a Code H means that someone pooped. This could mean that someone had an accident on a ride, didn't make it to the toilet but made it to the stall, or it could even mean that someone threw a dirty diaper into a ride scene. (Yes, that unfortunately does happen.)

What is a 101 at Disney?

Code 101 — This code is used when a ride has to close for any reason. Cast members do not want to use words like “shut down” or “closed”. 2. Code 102 — This is a happy code.

What is a code V at Disney?

We've already told you what a “Code 101” means, but today, we're here to talk about the dreaded “Code V,” otherwise known as a “protein spill.” What's that? Well…it's Cast Member lingo for when someone vomits.